Kids & Energy

  • Healings

    Kids are so close to source and angels and the whole unseen world, because this is where we are coming from. When you are remembered as a kid that this world exists from the beginning, you won’t forget like most of the adult world does. Miracles happen when you are connected to source and its healing energy. In this healing I want you to connect to source so you can heal on an emotional, mental and physical level. This healing opens you up to new possibilities in your life and it attracts a more positive flow as well as a general connection to source. You will never feel alone again!

    This is for everyone from 0 - 18.

  • One-on-One

    This type of session is a zoom or physical presence session where you have the opportunity to learn all about energy and apply it. The aim is to teach you everything so you can do it alone. This will make you unstoppable and you will be prepared for everything in life no matter how old you are. Nothing will be able to bring you out of balance again, or if it happens you know how to get back into balance.

    I am happy to show you and teach you everything I know, so you can be the best version of yourself and explore life through your own eyes and your own ideas and your own power.

    This is for everyone from 0 - 18.

  • Be a Sunkid

    I want to reach all kids with these healings and one-on-one sessions, no matter what the financial situation is of the family. So, if you are struggling financially, apply for a free session by writing me an email. If you later wish to pay something, you are more then welcome to pay something into the energy kids program I am now setting up. Stay tuned, coming soon under